Tuesday, January 15, 2008

One A Day Painting - 01/15/2008

Inspired by so may artist in their blogs I have decided to start my "One Painting" or "One Creation A Day" today. Time is 10:30 am. I am hoping to post something on the blog by the evening. That is if my daughter does'nt go into labor. We are expecting a little princess. Oh boy I can't wait to hold my first grandchild. Wish me luck.
I was able to complete my study of flower.I have been planning to create a series of paintings for quite some time.The theme is flowers.I am quite an ethusiastic gardener.I love spring and summer and all the colors of nature at that time.I am ot quite satisfied with the result.I guess i will keep trying till i get what I want.Only then I will make large paintings.Wish me luck.

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